Let us guess... You're tired of living in cycles of dis-ease.
You've dealt with it all.
Painful period symptoms month after month, hormonal acne and breakouts with no sign of a root cause, gut/digestive issues after most meals, and an overall disconnect from your body and intuition.
You're ready to re-establish a relationship with your body, mind, and spirit, and heal from a holistic perspective. You know how you desire to feel, look, and BE, and you know it's time to take aligned action to get there.
... We've been there.
We have devoted the last few years of our lives to understanding root cause healing. To deciphering what is "common" vs. what is "normal." We have come to realize that FAR too many women are suffering from ailments that they can heal themselves.
You simply weren't given the right tools.
It's time we changed that.
Will provide you with all of the tools you need to become your own internal source of healing. No longer relying on external sources (like Google search) for information and instead utilizing your intuition and internal wisdom to heal both physically, mentally, and energetically.
You are not meant to be sick. You are meant to radiate from the inside out. You are meant to thrive. We are sharing with you information and practices that will absolutely transform your life when implemented.
Our aim for you is to not only witness, but truly feel the transformations that occur when you practice healing from a holistic perspective.
A self-paced course for the woman ready to break up with painful periods, gut issues, hormonal imbalances, and skin issues for good.
There is a world in which you look and FEEL like your most radiant, vibrant, healthy self. There is a world in which you aren't dealing with the worst pain every time you start bleeding, where your acne is no longer present and your skin is glowing, where meals don't constantly hurt your stomach. You deserve to feel amazing in your own skin. Let us show you the way to healing yourself.
Now is your time.
CLAIM YOUR SPOT.Does this sound like you?
You have acne/breakouts that you can't seem to find the root cause for.
Most meals cause you stomach/digestive issues
You experience painful period symptoms month after month.
You often have low energy levels, even when you get enough sleep.
You feel disconnected from your body and want to establish a strong relationship with her.
You're on hormonal birth control and have been yearning to get off.
You want to feel confident, beautiful, and radiant from the inside out.
You're tired of repeating the same cycles and expecting different outcomes.
We know how important this work is because we have been through it ourselves. We want you to leave this course feeling absolutely in love with yourself, as we did when we embarked on this exact healing journey ourselves.
The GLOW Method

Phase 01: Gut Health
Module 1 dives into healing your gut microbiome, the gut/brain/skin connection and what foods, products, and lifestyle choices best support the healing of your gut. If you experience bloating, digestive issues, anxiety/depression, and/or acne, this module will support you in getting to the root cause.

Phase 02: Women's Health
Module 2 explores the menstrual cycle and the way these changes throughout the month affect you as a woman. Learn the best way to support your body, mind, and spirit throughout each of your phases. Return to homeostasis in your body by removing hormone disruptors and break up with painful periods for good.

Phase 03: Intuitive Eating and Living
Module 3 is all about connecting to your intuition. We're deconstructing "dieting" and non-intuitive ways of healing, and paving the way for you to reconnect with your inner compass. We'll support you in regulating your nervous system as a way to promote healing in all areas of your life.

Phase 04: Devotion / Aligned Action
Module 4 explores the importance of building aligned habits, routines, and structure throughout your healing journey. While much of this work deals with connecting to your feminine energy, connecting to your inner masculine is the surest way to consistent, long-term success. We'll share proven practices + routines that support your most aligned, vibrant version of yourself.

Phase 05: Integration + Resources
Module 5 will support your integration as you exit the course portal. We're showing you the way to continue this self-exploration far beyond what we've taught you in the course. You'll also receive our recommended books, podcasts, supplements, natural products, plus so much more so you can continue this lifelong journey feeling nourished and supported.
When you join GLOW you will receive:
5 Self-Paced Modules
All of the information you need on gut/skin healing, hormone balancing, connecting to your cycle, food/movement for each phase of the month, intuitive eating, mindset work, plus SO much more.
Practices to implement (in the form of worksheets, journal prompts, grocery hauls, healing recipes, natural product swaps, breathwork, guided meditation, plus much more) for each module.
Lifelong Access
So you can return to this course whenever you want. You'll get your user dashboard and once you sign in, you have access for life! We may even throw in some surprises wayyyy after you've joined ;)

We wouldn't be here if we hadn't gone through these exact experiences ourselves. The two of us spent YEARS completely disconnected from ourselves. We were sick, and it showed.
These physical representations of dis-ease were simply reflections of what was going on internally. We battled severe acne, digestive issues, imbalanced hormones, painful periods, anxiety and depression, low energy, amongst much more.
It is because of this time that we spent sick that we are so passionate about helping other women heal... Because we did it, and if we can, so can you.

Whether you believe it or not, you CAN heal yourself. We are proof of what is possible. If you are willing to put in the work for yourself and unlearn A LOT, you can become an entirely upgraded version of yourself.
It all starts in your mind. What you believe you become. So what story will you choose to believe? The one where you stay sick and disconnected? Or the one where you are entirely capable of healing and stepping into your most radiant self?
We've chosen story two. If you roll with us, this will become your story, too. We cannot heal you, but you without a doubt can heal yourself. The question is... Are you ready to show up for yourself?
Meet Emma:
I spent years sick, disconnected from my body, and truly unhappy with who I was and the life I was living. I was your designated party girl, always the life of the party, despite my intuition screaming at me for change.
When I discovered holistic health, I was getting sick ALL the time. My immune system was weak and it was being reflected externally through hormonal acne, constant bloating/digestive issues, anxiety, and overall disconnect.
Over the last 4 years I have been on an inward exploration, uncovering who I truly am, and learning more and more about how I desire to feel each and every day. Through diet, movement, and lifestyle choices, my life took a complete 180.
I studied at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and become a Women's Life and Holistic Health Coach. It is truly my mission to help women become their own sovereign healers.

Meet Claudia:
For most of my teenage years, I dealt with ups and downs of severe acne, constant bloating, and hormonal imbalances that led to mood swings, low energy, and depression. I grew up as an athlete and ended up playing D1 volleyball in college, so nutrition was always super important to me.
Until I got to college, I thought I was eating "healthy" and had no answers to why I still had acne and imbalances in my body that made me suffer physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. My health started going even more downhill, leaving me no choice but to go down a rabbit hole of healing myself from within.
This led me to go on my own holistic healing journey & attend the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to further expand my knowledge and awareness about the mind, body, & spirit connection.
Ever since I became chronically ill, I made it my mission to heal myself and show others that they can too. That we have the power to change our story and empower ourselves to BE the most radiant, glowing versions of ourselves.

It's time to take your healing journey into your own hands. Nobody will do it for you.
It’s not just a dream.
It’s more than possible for you.
It’s within your reach, right here and right now.
The only person in your way of making this reality yours is YOU.
I know it can be scary to take a leap like this.
I know you might be asking yourself ‘what if it doesn't work?’
I’m telling you right now that if you are DEVOTED to become the person who is healed and vibrant from the inside out, nothing will stop you.
Your healthiest self is on the other side of your comfort zone.
Take the leap.